Kitchen assistance is a task that requires patience and endurance.
Though the sous and head chef will be there to supervise, the hygiene and cleanliness of the kitchen tend to rest on the shoulders of the kitchen helper.
While culinary activities are taking place, the steward has to mind his/her duties through maintaining kitchen cleanliness, and also taking care of the pantry area.
This task requires standing for long hours, and one has to be energetic or full of stamina.
The person in this position will be pressed to attend to needs from the kitchen and restaurant, in other words, the steward will be in constant relations with restaurant waiters and cooks.
From the restaurant aspect, waiters will approach the steward, regarding their plates, glasses, or cutleries, used for their service.
Cooks in the kitchen will draw the attention of the steward regarding pots, pans, or other utensils they work with that require cleaning.
During the peak of service, the steward seems to be the busiest in the kitchen.
The heap-up of cutleries, plates, pans, and pots in the pantry area, can give one a second thought about the job…
You’ll have to put in your best to meet up with the pace of service as a team member.
The job environment requires a focused attitude toward work.
Your work outfit or uniform symbolizes your position.
In most commercial kitchens, a document sanitation checklist will be placed on the wall within the pantry area.
This cleaning checklist will spell out the work routine, or act as a guide for their duties.
Understanding these duties and how to go about them is a step in the right direction.
On resumption of duty in the morning, water has to be run into the washing machine and prepared for the day’s use.
At the end of the day’s operations, the used water in the machine has to be drained, and cleaned for subsequent usage.
This position does not require a skill, and one can easily get along with it, as it relates to chores we do domestically.
Cleaning Of Equipment, Utensils, And Work Areas
Keeping the kitchen work area clean, at all times, is a standard that has to be maintained at all times.
Dirty dishes from the restaurant and kitchen are a task to be handled by the steward while on duty:
Hand-washing of these items can be energy consuming, though the dishwashing machine will be there to assist, hands-on activities at the pantry area are real work.
Recyclable items have to be disposed of properly. Trash and garbage have to be removed to a designated place for disposal.
Dishwashing machines have to be kept clean, and changing of water in the machine has to be done when appropriate.
Clean dishes and utensils have to be stored at designated places, where clean items are meant to be kept.
The position will require one to transfer items between storage and work areas. Stewards should maintain composure during busy times.
The pantry area should be clean and organized at all times. The floor has to be swept and mopped during and after operations.
The steward will have to work between the washing sink, dishwashing machine, cooking area, and general work areas.
The kitchen assistant has to pay attention to details. Their job will involve carrying items that could be heavyweight.
The Kitchen assistant must be conversant with the chemicals involved in washing and cleaning work.
It is the duty of the head chef to educate stewards about Chemicals used for cleaning activities.
Sometimes, the establishment could consult chemical experts to conduct training for kitchen staff on the application of chemicals used for cleaning.
The cleanliness of the kitchen walls has to be maintained always. Deep cleaning of the kitchen has to be done once a week.
The edges of the kitchen floor have to be deep cleaned. In this process, (deep cleaning of the kitchen) every piece of equipment beside the wall has to be pulled out.
Between the back of the equipment and the wall, the bottom lines of the floor, hot water has to be poured on the floor, by the wall edges, and scrubbed.
The cleanliness of shelves and racks in the kitchen has to be maintained and kept intact at all times.

Pans. Source: freeimageslive
Assist In Food Preparation
While in the discharge of your duty as a kitchen assistant, take the opportunity to become a chef..
The willingness to learn culinary art will be at the steward’s discretion.
Chefs don’t like the idea of stewards sticking only to their duty posts.
Rather, their view is that the kitchen helper has an opportunity to become a chef.
This is where the individual has to prove his/her interest to take up the challenge.
Though you’ll not be compelled to do this, it’s usually an avenue to build up a culinary career.
I have seen stewards who became cooks, and are glad to be part of the profession.
The kitchen helper must understand the values of the establishment they work for, and understand what sets them apart or makes them unique among competitors.
Competition in the hospitality business is growing by the day, an employer wants their employee to know what makes their services unique.
Though this position is the lowest in the kitchen, in terms of rank, it remains a vital role in the company.
Positions in establishments will remain valuable no matter the level of rank.
In every effort to render qualitative services to guests or customers, the position of kitchen assistant forms a part of it.
Any individual in this position should endeavor to be dedicated to his/her duties at all times.
This job requires someone who is up and doing, there’s no room for negligence. Stewards must be in line with the pace of work in the hospitality establishment at all times.
The manner dishes, cutleries, pans, pots, etc., are brought in for cleaning and washing, compels one to work with speed.
Ensure you put in your best at work as a team member. Give attention to information that’ll assist one’s job to be done effectively.
Take advantage of job enhancement training when they are available. Take charge of dishwashing areas at all times.
Communicate information to coworkers or associates clearly.
Relate with guests and associates professionally, conduct yourself professionally, and adhere to company policy and standards.